The Ultimate TRB & Hub ! 25-Pin D-sub Connectors
Product Update: We have now modified our Ultimate TRB to include 3 discrete voltage inputs: one each for flaps, pitch trim and roll trim. Now each circuit can be individually protected with a fuse or circuit breaker. It also allows for a speed controller(s) if desired (for the pitch trim, for example). We have also added spike suppressor diodes for longer life of the relays and the actuating switches. New: we just upgraded our manufacturing process to include solder masking of the PCB!
Our Ultimate Trim Relay Board. The Ultimate uses a plug-and-play design approach which allows you to organize and centralize all of the inputs from both grips. The Ultimate also serves as a wiring hub and gateway from your grips to your trim system and other functions. The Ultimate will facilitate your grip wiring and function as a convenient access for maintenance and troubleshooting.
The Ultimate uses two 25-pin D-sub connectors which allows you to wire any two grips in parallel using all of the functions on both grips--including flaps or speedbrakes. It also is a ground bus consisting of 16 ground pins. There are enough pins on each connector for all the pilot and copilot functions plus all the grounds.
Installation Manual and a Schematic are included along with all the required mounting hardware and attaching D-sub connectors. Note: machined pins and sockets not supplied. If you need pins and sockets, they are available on the Products page. You'll probably need a pack of 25 sockets and one of 25 pins.
You can download the Manual here.
Ships US Priority Mail free in the U.S. Internationally, ships Priority International (see rate at checkout).
The Ultimate measures 2.5 x 3.8 inches and weights 4.25 ounces. Part number TRB-03FDDi.